At this point in Life I thought I would have had more things figured out, have more to show from the path I have walked. What i do have it my Three Sweet birds, a One room apartment and a Fiance who, truly does Love me. I struggle with my weight as i always have, and have to work on Loving myself each and every day. Anti-depressants are needed to take the edge of social situations and, I utilize the tools taught in all those years I spent in therapy. I've learned that you have to let the little thing's slide and focus on the thing's you have control over(which usually isn't much). Besides all those everyday things, the issues I need to know focus on is where I want to go from here. I don't have a chemical dependency to worry about, or live in a hostile environment anymore. I have a steady, decent paying job, and a reasonably healthy (serious) relationship with a person that just wants to make me happy. I have a goal to put a down payment on a house within the next six months, but can't seem to sit down and plan a wedding or ever wrap my head around the idea of having children. Will these things come to me with time?